Additional Ministries/Ways to Serve


Ministry Info

Meeting Info

Contact Person

Hands in Motion

Members make items to help comfort or put a smile on someone’s face. They make goods for those all. Special project: Operation Christmas Child

Every Monday @ 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall

Beverly Hunt

HOPE Grief Ministry

A support group for people who have or are currently experiencing grief and loss. 

Every Tuesday @ 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall

Norma Thomas, Al Nance, Delane Horne, Donna Foster


Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! We sing during morning worship service and perform a cantata each Christmas. 

Choir practices are scheduled on Sunday afternoons at 4:30 in the Sanctuary. 

Katie Comer

Media and Tech Crew

This group helps support the worship service by ensuring the sound, screens, cameras, and video feeds are working just right so that the Lord and His word can be the focus of our time of worship! 

No set meetings, but if you are interested, you will rotate Sundays in the sound booth. 

Rocky Carpenter, II

Praise Team

The Praise Team leads the congregation in praise and worship. 

At this time, the praise team is full. If this changes, auditions are required. 

Nathan Goodwin

Hope on Wheels

Community outreach ministry that was started to bring hope through Jesus to the people in our community. We provide material needs and share the hope and love of Christ through the Gospel. We provide a meal, hygiene kits, and other needs, and the Gospel.

Hope on Wheels events are typically on Sunday afternoons at a specified location. Set up begins at 2:30 and the event follows at 3:00. 

Trent Dunn and Rocky Carpenter, II

Prayer Ministries

The prayer group takes the prayer requests of all to our Heavenly Father. 

No set meeting, but there is a text group. 

Doug Cook


The seasoned generation is mandated by God’s word to fulfill responsibilities in the church through prayer, mentoring, and bridging generations. 

No set meeting schedule. 

Linda Kirkland

Senior Thanksgiving Lunch

Annual Thanksgiving meal and event for senior citizens in the community. 

Saturday before Thanksgiving

Volunteers are needed to cook needed menu items, serve, set up, and clean up. Sign-ups typically go out after the Fall Festival. 

Harmony Ladies: Michelle Sikes

Burnsville Recreation Thanksgiving Boxes

Annual meal kit donations to the Burnsville Recreation center. 

Boxes and a list of required items are provided sometime in November. Sign-ups will be available in early November. 

Harmony Ladies: Tammy McCall

Nursery Volunteers

Watch children ages 0-2 (some exceptions) during morning worship and Sunday school. 

No set meetings, but there is a rotational schedule. 

Erica Carpenter

Easter Celebration

Annual Easter celebration typically held the Saturday before Easter Sunday. This is sponsored by our addiction support group, Love2RecoverU, but you’re welcome to help in any way. 

Held annually the Saturday before Easter Sunday. 

Sheri High

Vacation Bible School

Annually held in the summer as an intensive, Gospel-centered event. Designed to teach children God’s word in a fun and engaging way. 

Planning meetings are typically announced a week or so prior. The event is in the summer and more information is provided. Sign-up sheets for volunteers will be available in the month prior to VBS.  Volunteers are needed to help set up (decorate), serve meals, clean up (nightly and after VBS to take down the decorations), teach classes, lead various age-groups, arts and crafts, recreation, etc.

Cassi Scoggins

Fall Festival

Annual Fall Celebration that includes a BBQ meal, costume contest, games, a cake walk, hay rides, and most importantly, the Gospel. 

Volunteers are needed to help set up, take down, man stations, provide cakes for the cakewalk, donate candy, and decorate their cars for trunk or treat. Sign-up sheets will be available the month prior to Fall Festival. 

Rocky Carpenter, II

Laura Carpenter

Children’s Christmas Play

Annual Gospel-centered Christmas play. 

Volunteers are needed to help children rehearse, watch/support the nursery-age children in their role, decorate, and run slides/music. Rehearsals typically begin after the Fall Festival. 

Cindy Salley