Sunday School

Our Sunday School classes are available for all ages, ensuring that everyone in the family can engage with God’s Word in a meaningful way. Our teachers are committed to teaching the scriptures by interpreting scripture with scripture to provide the necessary context to understand His word. They focus on applying the correct, Biblical interpretation to our lives today and helping each student grow in their faith and understanding. We invite you to join us in these classes as we explore God’s truth, together! 


Age Group

Class Location

Nursery (0-2)


Pre-K – 6th Grade

Sanctuary together

Pre-K-1: Classroom closest to women’s restroom

1-3: Classroom closest to men’s restroom

3-6: Upstairs classroom (tables/chairs)

Youth (7th-12th grade)

Youth Chapel


Fellowship Hall

4th Sunday Ladies: Fellowship Hall

4th Sunday Men: Upstairs Classroom (pew seating)